Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why do we not practice government the way that our Founding Forefathers wanted?

There is a lack of respect for the Constitution. Remember it was Bush who said the Constitution is just "a goddamned piece of paper." He has not been a constitutionalist. Hell, he granted himself new powers in May of last year in which he can declare Martial Law in the event of a major catastrophe such as another terror attack. He did this without Congressional approval. Our Founding Forefathers are rolling in their graves over what Bush and Co. have done. They have replaced our Democracy with a Totalitarian Dictatorship! Rebuilding America is not going to be an easy job. I feel that Obama is the best that we have right now in our country's history to get us back on track. In my opinion, he has much more respect for the Constitution than Bush and McCain. Illegally invading sovereign nations is not something our Forefathers would have approved. We must move away from this ideology that Bush has introduced and stay focused on America!

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