Sunday, November 13, 2011

What should I do about an offended family member?

Yesterday was our annual family holiday party. We play a game with playing cards and gifts. The game requires 2 decks of cards which are dealt out as evenly as possible to the participants. My cousin's wife happened to get the 2 jokers that were in the deck being dealt, of which I didn't realize. Since there were no jokers in the deck being used to call the cards, she felt that she lost 2 turns and became extremely upset, in fact she "got sick" right after the game ended forcing my cousin to leave the party and take her home. I don't know if her "illness" was real or if she was acting out because of her bad luck. If it was the latter case, it seems so petty to become that upset over a few small trinkets worth a dollar or less that were awarded as prizes. Since they tout themselves as such devout and pious Christians, it surprised me that she didn't exhibit more Christian forgiveness in her attitude. What should I have done at the party? What can I do now?

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