Friday, November 4, 2011

How can the Bahamas be American? The text says "British"!?

In my heart, I know I am from the Bahamas, and I know it is American, but when I read any page from a geography book fr an encyclopedai, my eyes are on fire since the text says, "Ha! Ha! The Bahamas are British, rebel boy!" I am also an American, but I do not wish to be charged with treason because I have intimate knowledge of the Bahamas. I am willing to follow the law, but I feel perplexed when the phrase "part of the Commonwelath" includes the Bahamas. iam not British and I know the Bahamas has nothing to do with England, but what am I compared with an encyclopedia. Many persons contribute to an encyclopedia and the persons who contributed the info of the Bahamas state the country to be part of the British Commonwealth. I do not mind any overlays since my religion was founded in England. Please help me before my goose is cooked. (No, I am not a memeber of the Anglican Church. I am a Unitarian.)

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